Insight Ophthalmology

image showing the nerve supply to the lacrimal gland through a hand drawn diagram

Nerve Supply to the Lacrimal Gland Made Extremely Easy!

Let us navigate the realms of sensory, parasympathetic, and sympathetic nerve supply of the lacrimal gland .Here we reveal the secrets concealed within the facial nerve. lets see how facial nerve, emerges from brain as the maestro, orchestrating a spectacle of connection through the middle ear, pterygopalatine fossa and orbit ; finally supplying the lacrimal gland.

Nerve Supply to the Lacrimal Gland Made Extremely Easy! Read More »

acute dacryocystitis ,lacrimal abcess

Acute Dacryocystitis v/s Chronic Dacryocystitis

Acute dacryocystitis is characterized by a sudden infection or inflammation of the lacrimal sac, primarily caused by bacterial infection. This condition leads to the abrupt onset of symptoms and requires prompt attention and intervention.
Chronic Dacryocystitis occurs because of chronic nasolacrimal duct obstruction, occurs gradually over time and persists for a long period of time.
we shall discuss chronic dacryocystitis first as it is more common than the acute dacryocystitis .

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lacrimal pump mechanism

Lacrimal Pump Mechanism Simplified

What is the Lacrimal Pump Mechanism? The lacrimal pump mechanism is a sophisticated system orchestrated by the orbicularis muscle, responsible for regulating tear flow and drainage. Comprising preal and pretarsal portions, this mechanism ensures efficient tear distribution and prevents excessive tearing. Key Components of the Lacrimal Pump: Pre-Blink Stage: The orbicularis muscle is relaxed. Tears

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